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Why You Should Belong

Each year, American Legion department service officers help thousands of veterans receive VA benefits they earned through service to their country. The Legion conducts, promotes and supports hundreds of career fairs for veterans and transitioning service members, bringing employers face to face with job hunters. Through Operation Comfort Warriors, the Legion raises funds to provide comfort items for U.S. troops recovering in military hospitals and transition units worldwide. Legion staff lobbies Congress for better quality of life for U.S. military personnel.


Through American Legion Baseball, nearly 100,000 young men get to experience teamwork and competition each year. The Legion provides more than $138,000 in scholarships through The National American Legion High School Oratorical Contest. And Legion Riders, through the annual Legacy Run, have raised more than $2 million for the Legacy Scholarship, helping ensure the children of U.S. service members killed on or after Sept. 11, 2001, have a chance at a college education.

None of these facts may be news to active Legionnaires, but chances are most prospective members do not realize all The American Legion does for people of all ages at the local, state and national levels. Now, it’s much easier to share that information with those prospective members.


The Legion’s “Why You Should Belong” booklet, available for download here or by contacting your department headquarters, is a one-stop recruiting tool that provides information on dozens of Legion programs, as well as the impact of those programs. It’s a valuable asset for any Legionnaire on the recruiting trail.

Eligibility Dates

If you have served federal active duty in the United States Armed Forces since December 7, 1941, and have been honorably discharged or are still serving - you are eligible for membership in The American Legion!


*Because eligibility dates remain open, all active duty members of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible to join The American Legion at this time, until the date of the end of hostilities as determined by the government of the United States.


**U.S. Merchant Marine eligible only from December 7, 1941 to December 31, 1946 (WWII).


For any questions please contact us at:

New Membership

Eligible veterans applying for first time membership must submit the following information to Post Membership Committee:


  1. Complete American Legion Membership Application.

    Print two (2) completed copies.  Keep one copy for your records. Mail the other copy to above address, together with your dues payment. (Dues amount on application).  Applications are also available at the Post.)

  2. Provide a copy of your DD214 discharge.

  3. Pay the membership dues (amount shown on application). Make checks payable to Lincoln Post 1919. DO NOT SEND CASH.

  4. If the information is correct, membership will be approved and then a membership card will be mailed to you.

  5. Please see eligibility dates below.

  6. Membership dues payment, if current year dues are not paid. If current dues are paid, please pay dues for next year's membership.

Transfer Membership

Veterans applying for transfers from your current Post to our Post must submit the following:


  1. Complete American Legion Membership Application.

  2. Provide a copy of your DD214 discharge.

  3. Provide a copy of your membership card.

  4. Membership dues payment, if current year dues are not paid. If current dues are paid, please pay dues for next year's membership.

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